Below is information about available options to minimize suffering and increase comfort at the end of life. This includes pain and symptom management, hospice, declining treatment, and voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED). For jurisdictions where medical aid in dying is authorized, we’ve included specific information about how to access it.

Click any of the links below to download an electronic version of our end-of-life information packets:

National - Outlines the full range of end-of-life options for people living in states without a medical aid-in-dying law.

California - Information about California’s End of Life Option Act.

Colorado - Information about Colorado’s End-of-Life Options Act.

Hawai‘i - Information about Hawaii's Our Care, Our Choice Act.

Oregon - Information about Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act.

Montana - Information about Montana’s aid-in-dying judgment.

New Mexico - Information about the New Mexico Elizabeth Whitefield End-of-Life Options Act

New Jersey - Information about the New Jersey's Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act.

Vermont - Information about Vermont's Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act.

Washington - Link to End-of-Life Washington.

Washington, D.C. - Information about the District's Death with Dignity Act.

Compassion & Choices’ End-of-Life Consultation program (EOLC) provides information on the full range of options at the end of life. EOLC, and representatives of EOLC, do not provide medical or legal advice. We simply inform individuals of the available options.