
Who We Are: Spiritual leaders united in support of a full range of end-of-life options, including medical aid in dying.

Our Mission: To promote understanding and acceptance of diverse spiritual beliefs related to end-of-life decisions.

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Join Minnesota Interfaith Clergy for End-of-Life Options

Request a Presentation

The Minnesota Chapter of Compassion & Choices and Interfaith Clergy for End-of-Life Options offers Expanding End-of-Life Options in Minnesota, a presentation that provides an overview of the proposed legislation to authorize medical aid in dying, followed by a discussion in the context of your religious or spiritual tradition. Contact us for more information or to schedule a presentation at [email protected].


Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson presented “Choices and the End of Life” at the Westminster Town Hall Forum on October 25, 2016.

Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu supports medical aid in dying as an option for a peaceful death.

Rev. Ignacio Castuera spoke about Faith, Morality and Medical Aid in Dying during his visit to Centennial United Methodist Church (Minneapolis, MN) on October 5, 2017.

Further Reading

LifeWay Research: Most Americans Say Assisted Suicide is Morally Acceptable

Rochester Post Bulletin: People of faith support medical aid in dying

Faith-Based Perspectives on Medical Aid in Dying

Majorities of All Faiths Support Aid in Dying

Star Tribune: Medical Aid in Dying is the Ultimate Religious Freedom