Status of Medical aid in dying

SB 239, the Nevada End of Life Options Act, was introduced in March 2023. After clearing every other legislative hurdle, Gov. Lombardo vetoed the bill on June 5, despite the majority of Nevada residents supporting the compassionate end-of-life option. Read our bill summary.
Tell Nevada lawmakers the Battle Born State wants compassionate end-of-life care this session. Log in to the state legislature website and show your support for SB239, the Nevada End of Life Options Act. We can't let our opponents win this fight. Terminally ill Nevadans don't have time to wait.

Write Lawmakers Today

Tools and Resources

simple blue medical cross graphic.For Patients Access the Nevada Advance Directive  



tools for end of life planning and decision making.End-of-Life Planning Use our step-by-step guide to chart your journey.  



advance care planning and resources in Spanish, espanol.Los recursos en Español Los recursos en Español.  



answers to questions about COVID-19, including treatment and end of life.COVID-19 Toolkit Get answers to your questions about COVID-19 and end of life care.  



tools for end of life planning and decision making.Resources for Providers Find resources tailored to the needs of healthcare providers.